I’ve been thinking of you, pregnant and postpartum mamas. I remember my postpartum time didn’t feel like a vacation at all and I see it can be even harder if that’s happening during pandemic. Hope the list below helps manage your mind a little bit through this time. Lets focus on everything we can control and put our best hopes ahead.
1. Speaking about Control. Let’s take all our worries from head to the paper. Nothing good happens from running them on and on in your head.
*Write down your concerns in 2 columns labeled as “in my control” or “out of my control.”
*Work on those that can be adjusted. Give yourself some love and grace
2. Invest your time in meditation or any breathing session. If there is a right time - it is now. If you are not into meditation, just make a commitment to do it for 7 days straight. That’s just a little step and no obligation to continue doing the practice unless you choose to.
3. Avoid watching news or FB conversations discussing news, fears or concerns. It is overwhelming and unnecessary for you and your baby. Designate your partner or someone else to stay informed and give you a daily debriefing for non- opinionated facts. That means no articles from popular newspapers. Stick to CDC guidelines, NJ.com or NYC.gov
4. Post online. I mean it. Posting on platforms like instagram makes you more connected to those you love and miss right now. Very small circle? Start group messages. Just ban all political conversations right away
5. And last but not least - something I recently discovered is postpartum/pregnancy online support groups.
My favorite Monica and Andy have tons of classes for pregnant mommies https://monicaandandy.com/pages/9-month-network-class-series plus If you are feeling depressed or anxious try this helpline
My favorite Monica and Andy have tons of classes for pregnant mommies https://monicaandandy.com/pages/9-month-network-class-series plus If you are feeling depressed or anxious try this helpline

With love,