As I'm writing this, Saturday tickets already sold out. While we can still buy friday tickets there is a lot to consider before going to water lantern festival with kids.
It's better to arrive earlier to get a good spot , the festival of 2018 starts at 4pm. You can come in, create your little picnic area, have fun buying food from food trucks. Ice-cream while decorating your lantern? Big yes to the pros list. It supposed to be a hot day so if you are planning to go, don't forget the sunscreen and bring plenty of water.
Our children live in the Dream land, land of Fairytales, land of Happiness. This event can be a great chance to write together something on the lantern that unites you as a family. Writing something on the lantern and wait for it to go on the water may be as exciting for kids as Christmas.
To the list of cons I'll add only transportation. It supposed to be a tough situation with parking ( don't forget to buy parking pass if you are planning to drive there). Otherwise, take public transportation to avoid getting stuck in the traffic. For my NJ people, Light rail is the best choice.
So why I'm writing this? Surprise!
I am not going to be there, so I figured I'll give you a few tips how to capture fun photos together.
How to make photos at lantern festival:
Very simple. When it get's dark, light the lantern and give it to kids and explain that they need to hold it on the chest level and look right on the light and make a wish. One more wish, a big one! So while they are busy smiling and dreaming, you can take a photo of your little one , highlighted by the beautiful light.
And the last, remember about the strong energy of the crowd. It will be so inspiring to see all the messages and drawings of all kids and families around. You will feel that the world is truly a beautiful place!
photo by artfitnessflow photography