Boudoir Photography got mixed reputation based on oversaturated market with poor quality, cheap cheesy shots. Some girls I know don't even want to consider doing one, because they saw some tasteless examples online. Let's forget about photographers who does such crime and learn what Boudoir Photography ACTUALLY is, who buy it and how to get ready for the session if you scheduled yours already.
"It was in the 1920s when boudoir art and photography really began to come into its own. During this decade, it was generally illegal to have nudity in photographs, but regardless, photographers like Albert Arthur Allen, a French artist, continued to create masterpieces. He focused mostly on women, especially larger women, who posed in romantic ways against ornate backdrops." - Marisa Leigh, Huffington Post.
As all beautiful and worth having it took long time to became well-known as a separate genre in photography. Now people not only enjoy this kind of photography as art work for their homes and other properties, but women look at boudoir photography as an empowering self-celebratory experience.
So the key word here is an EXPERIENCE. This photo session like no other is the whole experience and it starts earlier than a day with your photographer.
1. The day of booking. Congratulations. It is so scary and exciting, right? Your session is booked, you have a vision of how you want it to look but still not sure about many details. Contact me right away so we can schedule your free consultation. This is a luxury experience, in order for it to go your way and meet your expectations you will need to share with me your vision, your ideas, your concerns, fears and excitement. Let me be your friend, I promise forever to keep your secret. The only way I'll open it is through picture showing a real gorgeous you.
2. Even if you have outfits ready, lingerie you love or your husband bought for you as a gift, please, find time to go to the real store. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. Go there, try something on, buy something new or just leave, because you have at home all you need. This step is an emerging into the atmosphere of sensuality. You like to buy online? No problem. Go in the store, have an experience, come back home and buy online. I know you are a busy woman, but this is time to allow yourself to have ME time.
3. Day before the Photoshoot. Don't drink alcohol and don't eat junk food. You want to feel good, so let your body feel this way first. Drink plenty of water so your skin is hydrated. Do not dehydrate, you are not a bodybuilder with veins popping out and 5% body fat. You are a gorgeous woman with gentle soft skin.
4. Day of the Photoshoot. It is a little different depends where we are working together. It can be on location, in the studio or hotel (prices vary). Depends on do you have a make up artist or find one with us, we schedule time. Plan your day this way that there are not many things to do. Allow the photoshoot to be the biggest event of the day. When you arrive in the studio we will start to shoot from your most comfortable, favorite outfit. Some of my models even start by being fully dressed. You don't have to worry about your face expressions or posing, I will guide you through the process and you will feel most beautiful and confident.
And the last step is to ENJOY the process. You have your reason to have this photoshoot and a person you can't wait to share it with. You will see that you leave the studio after the shoot much happier and lighter because you allowed yourself to be you, to feel you, to express REAL you.
About 3 weeks later you will get your online ordering gallery. All pictures are yours. All printed artwork such large prints or albums can be purchased from the online store.