1st trimester
Our personal story of a pregnancy after miscarriage.
While many of my girlfriends are pregnant right now and not sharing a word to the web, which is probably is a right way to do things, I made a decision to make my story public. Hopefully, only people who truly will benefit from it will find this page.
When we had our miscarriage in February 2018, I didn't have much support and what truly helped me is reading other moms stories. Story by story, open heart to open heart it healed me.
I'm hoping that our story will give a comfort and hope to the other couples who went or going through similar experience.
I was writing a diary, so I will just copy it below. Email me or DM me in instagram if you want to talk about it. I am here for everyone who may need my help!
March 2019. Closure
This time everything was different. About our first pregnancy, we found out before the Christmas. I was so happy I couldn't hold it inside, almost called him from work. We already had a decorated Christmas tree. So I packed it in the gift and made him opened it and even recorded it on hidden camera. I wanted to document everything about our first child. In the beginning of 2018, all our dreams crushed in one day. After I recovered, the hardest was to see him suffer. Never want him to have this pain again.
September 2018
So when in september 2018 I did a test and saw 2 lines, i simply showed him. "Listen, there are 2 lines, we may be pregnant, may be not, i dont know whats gonna happen, lets not talk about it till doctors 8 week appointment."
So when in september 2018 I did a test and saw 2 lines, i simply showed him. "Listen, there are 2 lines, we may be pregnant, may be not, i dont know whats gonna happen, lets not talk about it till doctors 8 week appointment."

Deep inside I knew its unfair for this baby to not be celebrated. I felt guilty, but the fear to be hurt and more than that to hurt him was too big. For someone who never experienced pregnancy after miscarriage its hard to describe the feeling of anxiety you live in. He was tired to see me like that and managed to get us earlier appointment-on week 7. And we heard the heartbeat....
I was laying there like the dumbest person ever. I was so nervous that when I've heard the heartbeat i thought it was mine. And got angry why the doctor didn't make any comment. And then my husband stood up and with a huge smile asked can he hear the heartbeat again? I was shocked to believe it..
I was laying there like the dumbest person ever. I was so nervous that when I've heard the heartbeat i thought it was mine. And got angry why the doctor didn't make any comment. And then my husband stood up and with a huge smile asked can he hear the heartbeat again? I was shocked to believe it..
Today is marks 10 weeks of this pregnancy. I'm still super anxious and asking Him is everything going to be okay? I find rare moments when I enjoy the feeling of pregnancy, but most of the time still trying to protect my heart by refusing that its real.
What if something happened now? Ive heard too many stories....
Last week I cried after the lunch, because i felt so sleepy and tired and got so emotionally upset that i need to rest. What a workaholic " its okay" - he said on my concerns that i am not productive anymore.
Next morning he woke me up with a kiss and whispered to my ear. You our my "CEO of baby making".
Oh man... too late to protect myself. I'm so deeply in love with this little one. Yesterday was our 12 week anatomy appointment. Everything looks good so far. Baby was sleeping, than woke up and was literally kickboxing. Definitely our child :). Some people say its too early, but I think I feel a little movement sometimes when i hold my hand on my belly.
Hard to believe I can feel anything while baby is just a size of a plum.
Today is marks 10 weeks of this pregnancy. I'm still super anxious and asking Him is everything going to be okay? I find rare moments when I enjoy the feeling of pregnancy, but most of the time still trying to protect my heart by refusing that its real.
What if something happened now? Ive heard too many stories....
Last week I cried after the lunch, because i felt so sleepy and tired and got so emotionally upset that i need to rest. What a workaholic " its okay" - he said on my concerns that i am not productive anymore.
Next morning he woke me up with a kiss and whispered to my ear. You our my "CEO of baby making".
Oh man... too late to protect myself. I'm so deeply in love with this little one. Yesterday was our 12 week anatomy appointment. Everything looks good so far. Baby was sleeping, than woke up and was literally kickboxing. Definitely our child :). Some people say its too early, but I think I feel a little movement sometimes when i hold my hand on my belly.
Hard to believe I can feel anything while baby is just a size of a plum.

Read 2nd trimester story here